Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I gave a presentation on TED in class so I thought I would make a post to also explain TED. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design; they started holding conferences in 1990 at various locations and then started recording the conferences and putting them on their website.
        The conferences cover a large range of topics from technology to music to some inspirational thinking. The speakers chosen also vary but seem to always be very knowledgeable in their subject; when one man talks to the audience about the future of robotics he is doing it because that is what he studies, he designs and builds robots for commercial and even military use so he knows what he is talking about.
          Age also varies, in one conference the speaker was a twelve year old girl (although she has already published a book).
         There are several reasons to use TED probably the most important to college students is the various topics it covers I think can help spring board ideas for class papers. I had to do a research paper in my English class on a controversial subject. I could have looked up TED which often covers subjects that can be controversial and are more interesting to write about then the usual subjects of controversy. Another reason is the relevancy of the subjects. One conference I watched had one man talk about how self driving cars were soon going to enter our lives and just a few days ago I saw that Nevada had actually legalized self driving cars relevant article
The last reason to use TED can be found in their motto on their first page Ideas Worth Spreading.

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